• Budget Management System

    Responsible for managing and supervising the spending process of the state budget.

  • X-Road

    X-Road is the secure Internet-based data exchange layer to connect databases and information systems.

  • Securities and Portfolio Management

    A solution used by fund management companies and organisations, in particular by organisations managing personal funds, covering the full lifecycle of portfolio management.

  • Court Information System

    A comprehensive solution for digitizing all aspects of an existing paper document focused courthouse procedures and daily functions.

  • Mobile Banking Application

    An innovative solution to perform financial transactions securely on-the-go using smartphone.

  • Smart Card Production Management System

    A single solution capable of handling all aspects of card production, integrated with production facility to handle the entire production process of a modern and innovative bank.

  • Enterprise Data Collection

    A solution that is used to collect economic, financial and other statistical data from private companies and other organisations.

  • Core Banking System

    Built for startup and mid-size banks, credit unions, microfinancing companies and other similar financial institutions, supporting payments, deposits, microfinancing etc.